Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Lauren Rose's 2014 Outgoing Madonna De Lume Speech

Lauren Rose's Outgoing Madonna De Lume Speech

If anything, to stand before you all today as the outgoing Queeon of La Madonna del Lume.

First off, please excuse my voice, I'm fighting a losing battle against a cold.

Since becoming La Madonna del Lume Queen, I have been privileged, honored, it has been spiritually enriching, a humbling experience. A lot of change, but there has always been that guiding light. Mary points the way to Jesus. Being Queen of La Modonna del Lume has helped me to share my faith with other

people and share my spiritual experiences with my friends. Overall, an enlightening experience.

Thank you to all who are involved, have been involved in the past, and who are planning on being involved in the future.
Thank you for taking some time out of your day to celebrate in this amazing festival with us.

viva La Madonna del Lume, viva!