Friday, April 17, 2020

There's No Place Like Home during The Corona Virus, by Gina Meyers

Movie Clips that make me think of the effects of sheltering in place during the  Corona Virus, "Reopening the USA in Phases"

By, Gina Meyers

Throughout this stay in place  order in California, I have been blessed to get to work from home and to also have the true joy of writing, cooking, and publishing more books.

Today's thought for Friday is how various movie clips can be related to our current situations.  These are random clips and you the reader may place different value on the clips, for me many of the movie clips sum up the life I am living in these historic and unusual  times.

I just watched the plan from the President of The United States on getting the states back and running in phases. Dr. Birx presented a plan to reopen the states to stop the spread of Covid-19.

This song from The Wizard of Oz keeps running through my head. Is Glinda to you like Dr. Deborah Birx? Dr. Birx  helps us to stay safe and gives us best practices advice on how to mitigate the threat of the corona virus and she wears pretty scarves too and of course Glinda keeps the munchins and Dorothy safe, Glinda, "The Good Witch" also has magical powers, wears pretty gowns, has a scepter.

Trivia Tidbit: Billie Burke who played Glinda The Good Witch was 54 years of age when she took the role of Glinda!

This movie clip reminds me of how people might act after the corona virus threat has passed. The part where Adam Sandler says, "somebody put some pants on that kid" cracks me up cause I am sure a lot of people are looking very comfortable "staying in shelter".

For me, this movie, Confessions of a Shopaholic has a lot of answers to our Corona Virus Crisis and I truly can relate to the character in that she keeps trying to figure out what is going on and what she wants out of her situation. 

Our economic crisis due to corona virus and her job interview at Successful Savings when she really wants to work  for a fashion magazine. Isla Fisher while interviewing cannot open her purse to hand her resume over, so instead looks at a newspaper that is folded and thinks there is a "fis.." "fish crisis" instead of a "fiscal crisis." Ooops. 

Trying to get a better job during the corona virus.... 

And just the process of getting the mail and the bills are quite tedious. I get the mail only once a week to avoid contact with potential corona virus bugs. I wear a mask, gloves, disinfect all of my mail, eventually open.

So get out those ruby colored slippers cause there is "no place like home."

So are you ready to break up with covid? THAT pesky boyfriend/girlfriend that just won't let go, that's how I feel about Covid, enough already! Fortunate for me, I met my boy toy only last week, yes, I made it through 2 1/2 years of the rough stuff, only to get the highly contagious BA5. I wanted to blame it on the cafeteria at my son's future college, I wanted to blame it on the kids that bowled next to me, heck, if I could have blamed my illness on the mailman I would have. Now that I know I'm human and my immune system is not super human, I'm beginning to realize that throughout it all, we're lucky that we can get medication now and that it doesn't have to ground me for good. 

Living healthy and safely through Covid.

Wash hands
Eat healthy, plenty of fruits and veggies.
Examine your health history. 
Look at your stress levels.
Take vitamins such as vitamin C and B complex as well as Zinc and Airborne.
Enjoy your family and friends.
Be reasonable with your health risk factor.
Be positive.

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