Monday, June 15, 2020

Learn Your Brain Type, Optimize your Thinking Tank, Bring it to Full, by, Gina Meyers

Learn Your Brain Type
Optimize your Thinking Tank, Bring it to Full

Fuel your mind

By, Gina Meyers

 With sheltering in place, I've had the chance to read more and get around to things that I've been meaning to get around to, like home and even self-improvement projects, lol. Yes, I am a big fan of self-improvement.

Nothings been particularly easy with staying at home and sharing custody of a teenage boy who started homeschooling a month and 1/2 before the rest of the world. But it's summertime, let the celebration begin!

For me:
Losing jobs (or being furloughed) and gaining new one's (for me three "new" jobs not counting home schooling) in a three month period of time, if it sounds like a lot, it is because it is. But grateful for the opportunities and seeing the BIG picture. As a publisher and cookbook author, I already wear a lot of hats, as an entrepreneur it's been a heck of a lot of fun creating my first magazine, Dream It Magazine, and a Dream It Journal. Reinventing my Noni Julie's Anise Biscotti Business. I am not superwoman, nor do I claim to be one on TV.

*Takeaway, we all have a lot on our plates, but what are you choosing to put on, take off?

Plus, having an "essential" business, it has been a good excuse to drive to the lake for the view, etc. every now and again during shelter in place.  But, now, we are getting back into life again, some of us a toe in the pool at a time.

There are tons of risk assessments online for different activities you may or may not want to pursue this summer. I would recommend this:

But I think when we all got to put the pause button on the VCR, I am seeing a lot of people, including my mom, dad, aunt, and uncle who are choosing to live their lives more from home and less out in the "real world so to speak."

This is a good thing considering we all have risk factors and there is no known cure for Covid-19.

So, while you temporarily take the VCR off of pause and put it to play for awhile, I hope you take this FREE Brain Type Quiz.  I am not affiliated with Dr. Amen or his practice, but I am familiar with his work. And, if you desire to be a brain coach, he even has courses for you to take!

His work is changing and has changed thousands of people's lives. Like faces, we all have different brains, no two are alike. I've found myself approaching things from a Quarantine 15 (similar to Freshman 15, when you gain pounds) metaphorically thinking, instead of optimizing food, brain power, situations,  in order to use it as fuel for my brain. Not beating myself up, but reattaching the VCR tape that came off the spool, more metaphors--

If I've lost you, it's cause my high octane brain hasn't consumed it's necessary food fuel for the morning.

Just give the Brain Quiz a try, I promise it won't hurt!

And remember, it's your life so you get to choose how you live it, sheltering in place, sheltering out in the world, etc.

Don't forget, BE KIND REWIND!

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