Thursday, June 27, 2019

Making a Significant Positive Impact on your business, by Gina Meyers

Owners don't always know what they want, they are so busy juggling demands that they are thrown into a lot of directions.

What owners do know is that they need to manage, delegate and treat their employees well. I am listening to the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, by, Stephen R. Covey.

Balance your life in a week, increase productivity
Plan your week, each week, before your week begins
Take 20 minutes, write down the important roles in your life, friend, community volunteer, mom, yourself, don't forget yourself. You have an obligation to sharpen your own saw.

Organizing your life by the week

Step 1:
Write down the important roles in your life:

Helping you to maintain balance will be a key to the success to prioritizing your life.

Step 2:

Choose the big rocks
What is the most important thing I can do in this role this week in this position I am in to be the most productive.

Step 3:
Schedule your big rocks, schedule your other activities around the other BIG rocks.

One minute questions to ponder.
* What is the most important thing I can do in this role this week that would make the most positive difference? * What one thing could you do that you absolutely know would have a significant positive impact on your business?

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