Monday, November 4, 2019

Momisms, by Gina Meyers

Besides graduating college, one of my greatest accomplishments is being a mom. Momisms, are words that only mom's use. These are found in popular movies, like, The Christmas Story, when the mom tells her son that wants a Red Ridder Be Be Gun. "you'll shoot your eye out!"

What fascinates me about Momisms is they are instinctual. I became a mom when I was 25, and from that time onward, my lexicon changed. My way of thinking changed really!

So, here is a small list of some Momisms, feel free to start a conversation with your mom friends and add to the list.
“If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.”

(Inserting middle name when they are in trouble)

"Did you send a thank you note?"

"Did you brush your teeth?"

"Did you turn off the lights?"

"Did you do your homework?"

"Turn off the cell phone!"

"Because I said so."

"We don't call it farting, it is passing gas."

"Don't make me turn this car around!"

"Good job!"

"I am so proud of you."

"Way to go."

"Curiosity killed the cat."

"Just you wait until your father comes home!"

"Don't cry over spilled milk".
"Just cause your friend did it, doesn't mean you should too!"
"I don't care what your sister, brother said, I am talking to you."
"No, the cat doesn't need a bath."
"No, I don't think the cat appreciates it when you try to dress it up in a halloween costume."
"Stop being barefoot, put on some shoes."
"Aren't your feet cold, put on some socks."
(My kids can never find anything in the house, it is as though they never lived at home.)
I am forever hearing, "mom, where did you put my shorts, my socks, my pants.
"You can't use the excuse the dog ate my homework, even if he did."
"You know there are starving children in China, eat your dinner."

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