Saturday, March 14, 2020

Home is Where The Heart Is, by, Cookbook Author, Gina Meyers

Home is Where The Heart Is
By, Cookbook Author, Gina Meyers

Home is Where The Heart Is
By, Cookbook Author, Gina Meyers

This is undeniably a crazy time in the United States of America, and for ALL 
around the world for that matter. This uncharted time in our history has many including myself on edge.
Our country is on a lockdown of sorts and we are trying our utmost to slow down the
spread and severity of the Coronavirus. I’ve been in contact with my family and friends
who live in Europe and though the eye of the storm is upon them, their spirits remain undaunted.
As a writer, and a cookbook author, I pledge to share my recipes and thoughts through this
world emergency.  First off, do not panic. As an American who has traveled the globe,
I have seen stories of inspiration and encouraging words and kindness and giving.
Share what you can, and take this time to improve on yourself and your life responses.
Like my Girl Scout years taught me, “Be prepared.” What we are learning each day
is counter intuitive. For a country to come together we must separate temporarily.
In this time of contemplation, do know that I will be here to share my passion of cooking and recipes
with you. My pantry is being stocked with essentials so that I am able to continue to make nutritious
foods no matter what happens.
Through this uncertain time in our history where we feel a loss of control,
our routines are being interrupted, and everything we thought to be stable seems to be
changing, take one day at a time, say the serenity prayer, count your blessings, and
remember to live each moment by moment and each day by day, this is in your control. 


  1. Gina, Thanks for your thoughtful words...and doing what you can to make it a better and happier world...
