Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Don't be like Job, but express yourself by Gina Meyers


In Dwight Carlson's book, Overcoming Hurts & Anger, page 98, we uncover the benefits of being able to express your negative feelings. Some beneficial effects of expressing one's feelings either through journaling or outwardly expressing are: reduction in blood pressure, fewer doctors visits, shorter hospital stays, improved immune system function. But there is a limit to how long a person holds onto anger or the cathartic way a person processes. After a specific point, one can get stuck in the "anger." In the bible, in the book of Job, God has to rein Job in, he has ventilated his anguish to his friends and to God and God has to say, "Job, that's enough!" Continuing to dwell on anger can actually increase pent-up anger and lead to inappropriate aggressive behaviors. 

What are some things I can do today to let go of the past pain and turn over a new lease on life?

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