Thursday, December 17, 2020

Top 10 Things You Might Not Know About Author Gina Meyers

 Top 10 Things You Might Not Know about Author Gina Meyers

1. I won the Gourmand Best Charity Cookbook in the world for a fundraising book that I wrote called, Hope For Haiti. I initially wrote an E-Book of the same moniker and that's how the Gourmand organization found me. They requested I enter their international competition, so without an actual book, I set out to design and create the Hope For Haiti Fundraising Cookbook and entered it into the international competition. I was then invited to Folies Bergere in Paris, France in March of 2012 to find out if I was the winner. There were three other titles in the Caribbean category and mine won.

The rival cookbook, the man, don't remember his name went on stage expecting to be the winner and actually wouldn't leave the stage and was in some of the photos during my acceptance speech.

2. My Cookbook, Love at First Bite, The Unofficial Twilight Cookbook, my late Great Aunt Mildred's recipe is inspiration for my Twilight Tribute Punch Recipe. The stars from Twilight tried my Twilight Tribute Punch Recipe and to date, this is the most you tube hits any of my promotions have obtained to date.

350,000 hits on You Tube!

3. In 2005, my friend Mark Simpson, The Bewitched Collector invited me to participate in an internationally televised Television Show, Bewitched Fanatical. I accepted.

4. In 1995, I approached Columbia Pictures Television which owned the Bewitched Video Collection and they paid me $500.00 and I  themed, grouped, named and choose the last 20 videos in the Bewitched Video Collection. Some of the names of the videos, Jealousy, Money Isn't Everything, and Twitch or Treat are some of my favorite titles.

5. I freelanced for Nick at Night Magazine. I wrote and consulted for the Nick at Night Magazine. I was in charge of all things related to Bewitched and I Dream of Jeannie. 

6. William Asher the director of Bewitched was married to Elizabeth Montgomery. Like Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz, Liz and Bill worked together. I Love Lucy's production company was owned by Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz and they called their production company, Desilu Productions. Liz and Bill called their production company-- Ashmont Productions. A co mingling of their last names.

7. William Asher received my book from me as a gift, he and his wife Rebecca, I believe sent me a personalized thank you that said they enjoyed reading my book and learning more about Bewitched. Can you imagine the Director and Producer of Bewitched saying he learned something from me? Awesome!

8.The hit show, The Office mentioned my Twilight Cookbook on their show. "I cooked my way through the Julia Childs Cookbook and now I am half way through the Twilight Cookbook and made Edward Cullen's Cornflake Chicken." As soon as I heard that, my second edition of my cookbook, I added, Edward Cullen's Cornflake Chicken Recipe.

9 My most popular blog is my Red Velvet Cake Recipe with over 1,500 views.

10. I have met Barbara Eden a couple of times and fans from around the globe flew to Los Angeles, The Grove for her Barnes & Noble book signing of her book, Genie Out of the Bottle, her tell-all biography. I had a Dinner Party for Barbara Eden & her husband John and the fans that flew in from all over the United States. We had a nice event at Morel's Steakhouse and was able to capture a few photos and have a quick conversation with Barbara before she and her husband left for home.