Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Our Changing World 6 Feet Apart, by, Gina Meyers

Our Changing World
6 Feet Apart
By, Gina Meyers

This is Gina reporting for service your excellency, the silent war has begun, the enemy is among us.
Let this serve as a historical record that we all existed, wanted to exist, and we hoped to exist,
but what we really were supposed to do is share our music and our passions with one another. 

We are sorry, we regret to inform you that while some of you thought you were sharing your passions,
you were merely buying time to buy a fancier car, to live in a bigger house, to get a 
bigger ring with more bling, (ring with more ice),  to gain more independence ,
to see more sights, to travel to more places. While some of these goals were good,
you missed the mark. You believed in your own cause, you made yourself feel better to say,
“I have this many friends.” “I have gone to this many parties.”

Did it take a pandemic your excellency for people to slow down,
see your face, tap into their music? What scares me most your excellency are the
people in the next few days, few weeks, few months, and few years that won’t get the
opportunity to know you down here on Planet Earth.
Our Earth has had a temperature for a long time, it was made fun of,
the soldiers leading the cause came in the form of concerned citizens,
adults and  children, and they were chastised and ridiculed.
Some even went to great lengths of taking the cause of our global environmental emergency
to the supreme leaders of our courts. Some your excellency are ignorant,
still, they think a can of food, toilet paper, and hand sanitizer are all they need.
The survival of the fittest war has changed, our soldiers out in the field need to take new precautions.
In order to save the earth and its’ people, we must close, shut down everyday life.
Some of them seem confused about this your excellency.
Even doctors who should know better are making presumptive claims that this will blow over.
It’s getting stronger, the silent war, and the longer we GO silent, the more chance it has to
overtake all of humanity.

What can the soldiers do your excellency to take precautions?

Well my dear sweet child, they must submit to me. They must tap into their music, their souls,
their survival skills. They must find the music in them, they must share it.
They need to sing from their balconies, and shout my name, Jehovah Jireh.
They need to practice loving kindness by giving to those in need who ask. 

They must stop the blame game, ignorance is no longer bliss.
They must absolutely SHUT everything down, no business as usual.
They must recognize the silent enemy wants to overtake you in the dark, it wants to take you to
the dark side and make your life be for nothing.

Don’t let the fear stop you, fear is false evidence appearing real.

What protective gear do the soldiers need?

 I will provide all the tools necessary, but you must stop putting your trust in your governments
and your own devices, you must submit to our friend, intuition. 
Put on the full Armour of god as the bible says. 

I do not mean to say to revolt against your governments, no, they are trying to help.
But, your excellency,  none of us have ever seen this silent war before on earth. 

This is as I have described. Even the non-believers now believe the end is near.
All of humanity is on the verge of extinction.
Yet, so many have recovered from the pandemic your excellency. 

Your Excellency
But have they submitted to me? Have they thrown away their old ideas?

 Haven’t they already sacrificed enough?

Your Excellency
Please report to me what you have found to be true, Gina.

 What I have found to be true your excellency is people are very stubborn, selfish, and they like labels. Labels on their jeans, and in their professions.

Your Excellency
Gina, you know better than this, you are a child of your excellencies. 

Yes, your excellency and I am here today to report for duty and share what our everyday heroes are
doing on earth.

We are ready for the war. Soldiers have instinctively been preparing, they have known that there
was no such thing as fight or flight. They used their flight to protect themselves to prepare for
the silent war. Many soldiers have been injured in battle due to the fact that they simply can’t
turn off their fight mode. Their adrenaline is off the charts, their ability to function almost at a standstill.
This leaves their immune systems depleted. Maybe what I meant to report before is yes,
there is fight or flight, but it isn’t helping.

Gina, please carry on. Please openly share your thoughts and feelings.
I want to hear the truth from your perspective.

Well, your excellency, people have done a crappy, oh sorry, people have done a substandard job
in my humble opinion of using their intuition. They’ve forgotten the importance of inner beauty,
and all that’s really mattered. Showing kindness to a stranger, not realizing every word in the bible
to be factual. 

I saw and felt this change the world that was before, and the world to come.

Please tell me your excellency if we have a chance to go back to before?

I know you showed us what was prophesied when our beloved Nortre Dame, our lady burned down in
Paris, France. 
I knew that was a sign that the world before was no more. 

Your excellency, I didn’t finish my report, I’ve been too worried about our soldiers,
I’ve been so worried about my reaction and what my role in the silent war should be?

Isn’t it  obvious, you are a gifted writer. You can share your perspective because you have acquired
discernment, the ability to communicate, and you know intuition is your friend.

Some still don’t believe you are the messiah, some don’t believe in our mother,
many don’t give you reverent respect because they believe in their principles.

Their souls Gina are for me to worry about, you just need to focus on your passions and
sharing your music, this is overtaking the silent war, though you’ve failed to see this.

Was I blind your excellency to my gifts? 

No, you have been given many gifts, you’ve utilized your gifts and you’ve shared your passions,
so I gave you a temporary job to report back to me on your impressions of the situation
of the silent war.

They miss their routines, their habits. 

Who misses them?

The soldiers, everyday heroes, me, your excellency.

And so it goes my dear child. Have I not promised that I will always be with you even if in spirit?
You have the tools, you have the faith, you are winning the war against the silent enemy. 

Your excellency, not to complain, but I could’ve done without the knowing intuitively that the
pandemic was coming. 

I really would have liked to have seen how the Harry Potter Musical was going to end.

You know the story Gina. You’ve seen the movie, It’s a Wonderful Life. You saw the signs because
you are awake to the earth’s needs.

So your excellency, please tell me if this will be enough of a wake up call for the humans
and the soldiers on earth?

Absolutely Gina, this was enough, you know I didn’t cause this, right?

Yes, but it feels like the end is drawing near. 

No, the old is gone, the new will come. There is never darkness without light and there never is
bad without good, and there never will be an end to your messiah.
After the rain, there is always a rainbow. This is my promise to you. 

You see I am eternal, the soul of the world, the healer of the sick.
My soldiers merely march to my orders through our friend intuition
and our friends kindness and caring.

One day you will not have suffering, there will be peace.
But peace can and will be had on earth too. Why would I steal your joy?

That’s not my intention.

Go in the way of the Lord, whatever you want to call me.
Follow the spirit of kindness, generosity, faithfulness, caring, love.

Be all you want to be, say what you want to say, go where you want to go,
believe in me and it will be. You will see.

Can we please hurry and end the suffering? 

What you need, has already been given, you don’t need more than you have.
You are sufficient, you have the tools you need, you won’t just survive, you will thrive.

Gina reporting for duty your excellency. Things are emerging and changing every second.
Right now if you happen to be a citizen of Italy and contract the corona virus, 
you have about a 50-50% chance of surviving on Planet Earth. 

Spain unfortunately is also fighting the silent war and they are losing many soldiers too. 
The same goes for France and The United States, and pretty much any country on Planet Earth.
Even New York, California, you name it, we all fight the battle, but some people are losing hope. 

What is scary is the youth I see them losing hope.
Instead of wanting to fight the war, I hear them saying from a  distance, our six feet separation,
“what, 2021, we won’t be here.” 

This is the most discouraging thing I’ve heard in my life: your excellency.
Fear is false evidence appearing real, but HOPE, hope is the only way to defeat the silent enemy
that creeps upon us and attacks.

Hope is for a bright new day. Hope is not being a casualty of the silent war, but if you are,
it’s at least hoping that you won’t be or at least hoping that you can inspire yourself and others
enough to defeat the silent enemy.

Why does man not praise their accomplishments now? Why does man not believe they can defeat
any foreigner including the corona virus?
Your excellency, even if the people including myself survive on Planet Earth,
what hope will there be to travel or to see Iceland again, or Rome, Italy, or Barcelona, Spain?

My dear sweet child, you forget, these are not your worries, they are my burdens.
Keep strong and keep the faith. Take your precautions and instill them on those you love and
those who will listen. 

Did I not command you to heed my word? Now is the time to share the good news of Jesus Christ.
In the worst of times, it is the best of times to BELIEVE.

Tis better to hope, I remember in my psychology class on Planet Earth, San Jose, California, in the
year of our lord, 1989 AD. My psychology teacher he asked me to stand.
He said, “Gina has an A plus in the class cause she wrote and she thought, and she
contemplated and she went above and beyond to share her life and her experiences.”

And then a football player, on the last day of school ate a twinkie that my psychology teacher had
stapled the twinkie and the wrapper to the wall on the first day of school. Sorry, random thought, but
an important message. Our teacher had said a twinkie could survive a nuclear holicast and yet some
player decided to ingest that for kicks and to get the other teenagers including myself's attention.

We all should be striving for A pluses on Planet Earth, we should be giving ourselves all A’s for trying. 

As much as you want to be assured that everything will be ok, you must reassure yourself.
I’ve given you all you need in this life to carry on. 

If you choose to fight the silent battle you must put on the full Armour of God.
Correct those who are misinformed, but fight the battle separately,
there will come a time after the silent battle has been defeated for those to learn
the lessons of life that they need to learn.

Remember, I’ve already won the silent war. I’ve already overcome the enemy.
Just like how you are aware that the humans on planet earth need to share their music, each person also has  their own separate lessons to learn on Planet Earth.

And your lesson dear sweet child, is to learn to relax and be still and know that I am God and I am here.

Sweet dreams your excellency. 

Don’t forget to pray dear child. I’m listening.

Gina reporting for duty your excellency.

You rang Gina.

Yes, I did your excellency.

Please tell me what you’ve learned so far on this journey thus far.

Well, I have observed that each country your excellency is working very hard to combat the corona virus.

I am still very concerned for all ages, especially the youth around the world that aren’t taking
this seriously.

They are looking at this disease as a vacation rather than a staycation.

What do you mean by that Gina.

What I mean is people in my humble opinion are doing it wrong. It’s not that they are selfish,
they are ignorant and ignorance is not bliss and knowledge is power.

Everyone seems to think that we are going to go back to the same world we started in.

They don’t realize everything has changed. I’ve always known that we are spirits
having a human experience, but others they just think,
“this is a virus that won’t affect me, I won’t catch it smoking,
hanging out with my friends, holding my boyfriends hand, going for a hike with five of my buddies,
going to the dentist, going to the grocery store.” 

They don’t seem to realize that if someone is infected that coughs or sneezes on them,
they could get the virus. They don’t realize that if they touch a plastic surface,
an envelope, breathe air of an infected person that they could get the virus.

Is it too much for their brain to think of?

Meanwhile, in the US, I have observed your excellency that groups are congregating
that aren’t family, hand holding, going to the beach, goodness they don’t realize they are next.
Or could be. What's even bothersome is the personal choices and the risk assessments that the rest
of us are placed in because others are playing Russian Roulet with their own lives, puts my life and
the lives of those I love is FINAL jeopardy. Maybe double jeopardy, but definitely danger.

I’m not observing fear--or guilt--, it honestly seems to be a lack of information.

Gina, tell me what else you feel, instead of what you observed and please tell me what you are thinking.

Well, your excellency, I am happy to report that I am feeling great.
I’ve gotten my priorities back on track, I’ve started a new routine,
I’m appreciating the food that I have, I am creating yummy recipes,
I am sharing my recipes and my books of inspiration with the world.
I’m listening to my son play the guitar and we are spending hours riding our bikes,
I’m watching movies and laughing hard. I’m having serious conversations with those around me,
I am marketing myself and sharing my passions and skills.
I am discovering that I have an arsenal of information, it was as if you prepared me for the silent war.

It’s lonely too your excellency, it’s not like I can yell at someone and tell them their ways could harm them.

I am especially concerned about the front liners and the soldiers. They are putting their life at risk
and for what? Even their partners and families could be infected with the virus.

It’s like this very strange selfish game people seem to be playing. 

But, the people started to share their music, and they started to walk, and they started to talk,
and they started to run, and they started to smell the roses, and they started to appreciate their lives,
they started to see that like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, they always could find their way home.

“There’s no place like home, your excellency.”

Thank you so much Gina for walking the walk and talking the talk and seeing from afar and feeling
up close. Welcome Home.

I know the fight isn’t over, the silent war is raging on, but I do know no matter what,
you’re in charge your excellency. I appreciate all the gifts you’ve given me,
even the anxiety, it’s taught me to work through things, not to give up, to be a fighter. 

Precautions and thoughts

We have to acknowledge that there is a silent war going on.
We need to acknowledge that there will be no business as usual.
We will have to change in order to adapt.

Please insert your name into this story. Please write down what your passions are and what
hobbies you enjoy in the story as well.

Thoughts to ponder:
1) What precautions can I take today to ensure my safety and security for the future?
2) What can I do know that may be a sacrifice but will flatten the curve of this global pandemic?
3) What will I tell my future self that will help me get through this experience?

About the author:

Gina Meyers is an award winning published writer. Her book, Hope for Haiti, won Best Charity Cookbook
in the World in Paris, France, The Gourmand Cookbook Award, March 2011 at the Folies Bergere.
She is the author of many best selling cookbooks including Love at First Bite, The Unofficial
& Unauthorized Cookbook, Muggles to Magic, The Unofficial & Unauthorized Harry Potter Cookbook,
she is also the author of The Magic of Bewitched Trivia & More Series of books and 101 Things to Know
About Bewitched & I Dream of Jeannie.

Gina for the past ten years has written books of inspiration: Universal Truths, Life Lessons Learned From
My Fortune Cookies, Attitude of Gratitude. In 2014, Gina collaborated with world renowned experts
in their fields to create, Manifesting Magnificence: A Personal Growth Workbook. https://www.ginameyers.com

She is the owner of Serendipity Media Group and Serendipity Press, a marketing, publishing,
and promotions firm. She has helped individuals succeed in sharing their passion of writing
with their intended markets. https://www.serendipitymediagroup.com

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