Thursday, January 7, 2021

Resistance to change, limiting beliefs, and discovering a new you in 2021! by Gina Meyers


In Louise Hay's International Bestseller, You Can Heal Your Life, Louise discusses resistance to change. 

I just finished Louise's wonderful book, and I am grateful that I opened my heart and mind to a healthy way of being!

In a new year, people often make new year's resolutions. This year, like never before, we want to rid ourselves of the year 2020. But in my humble opinion, 2020 taught me a lot about myself and how I feel, what my passions are, and learning to write a love letter to me, myself, and I. 

What kinds of limiting beliefs are you telling yourself:

"I'm too old."

Replace with:

"I am the perfect age." or

"Age is a state of mind and I feel terrific."

"I'm not smart enough."

Replace with:

"I'm smart."

"My hair needs to be longer".

Replace with:

(This is something I am capable of changing)

"I am bald, I need hair!"

Replace with:

(This is something I am capable of changing) (Is this a need, a want, a desire?)

"I need more love".

Replace with:

"I am love."

"I need less debt."

Replace with:

"I am an excellent money manager, money moves freely and readily in my life."

"I am a money magnet."

"I need more money."

Replace with:

"I have abundance, I feel abundant."

"I'm unattractive". 

Replace with:

"I am beautiful."

"I won't be happy until I loose weight."

Replace with:

"I am content and I see myself making positive changes towards my ideal body weight."

"I wish I wouldn't share my thoughts and beliefs with others that don't share my opinion."

Replace with:

"I am responsible for my thoughts, feelings, actions, and responses to others opinions."

"It's best to keep things a secret".

Replace with:

"I am vulnerable with those that matter to me, I matter to me."

"I missed my calling."

Replace with:

"My time is now."

"I'm too old to change."

Replace with:

"I am never too anything."

"I should have learned that by now."

Replace with:

"I am enrolled in Life 101."

"It's simply to hard for me to learn something new."

Replace with:

"It is the right time to learn."

"This is too deep for me."

Replace with:

"I believe I can understand and interpret."

Stop beating yourself up! Stop waisting precious time believing false beliefs about yourself. Change your vocabulary and change your outlook and perspective.

How to overcome limiting beliefs.

#1: Own your own stuff.

#2: Don't let someone else's unfinished business become your own.

#3 If you think you can or you think you can't, you are both right!

#4 Catch yourself complaining and replace each complaint with a compliment (instead of a swear jar in your home, where you put money in it each time you swear, make a compliment jar, each time you catch yourself complaining, write it on a piece of paper the complaint and cross the word out and replace with a compliment and place a dollar in the jar.)

#5 Meditate

#6 Exercise daily

#7 Practice money discipline. (If you want to build your money muscle--)

#8 Journal

#9 Find a hobby, painting, sculpting, tennis, ice skating, roller skating

#10 Become a problem solver in your own life

#11 Don't criticize or point out other's flaws unless you are willing to lose a friend, lover, family member. In extreme cases of a person harming themselves or others, criticizing will only alienate you from the object of your criticism. Instead, stage an intervention, but only in EXTREME Cases.

#12 Create new positive patterns and practice self-care.

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