Thursday, May 7, 2020

Sheltering In Place, Songs that take me back to a simpler time

Songs have the ability to transform our moods, and take us on trips down memory lane. Sheltering in Place has been a difficult time for a lot of people because it has forced many of us to find new ways to communicate. However, perhaps one of the blessings is, it has allowed me to slow down and to smell the espresso percolating in the espresso maker, lol.

When I was a kid, my mom believed in saving money until you could truly afford something and she liked saving to purchase high quality goods, which meant that our living room was sans furniture for a few years. Yes, we had a family room with a couch and a TV, etc., so the living room for a few years was the perfect place for the record player and my scarf dancing on Sunday afternoons.

Some of my favorite records, and these were collected when my dad would pick us up every other weekend during his custody time with us before he moved back to San Francisco. We'd go to Tower Records on Blackstone in Fresno and I would peruse the Olivia Newton John records or the Cher records.

When my brother wasn't being a pest, I would put on the Battlestar Galactica Record.

My brother had my mom's old mini record player in his room and he'd listen to his favorite: Slow Down You're Moving Too Fast, that meant the living room was mine. (This of course was when my mom didn't have a month of daily Fresno Bee Newspapers saved up for her Sunday afternoon reading time in which my brother and I were relegated to the backyard. Yes, we were locked out of the house for many hours and I used to complain that I barely could survive drinking out of the backyard hose and scrounging up strawberries that we'd planted in the backyard in some old wine barrels. Good thing she told us the green olives were "ornamental" but my kindergarten teacher told me the paste was also not for eating, and it sure tasted good! Luckily, I did not eat the green olives off the tree, they hadn't been cured!

Ok, back on the music.

A few of my favorites:

To my mother's credit, she did take me to the Olivia Newton John Concert when I was in the sixth grade. They used to allow people to smoke inside the convention center, which made me puke. My mom took me home and the next day all of my friends said the surprise guest was JOHN Travolta.

My brothers' favorite when he was a kid.

My brother and I used to enjoy pretending I was Marie Osmond and he was Donny Osmond. "Where are your purple socks Donny?" "I was a little bit country, and my brother was a little bit rock and roll."

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